Maybe @Facebook's @OversightBoard, #individualogistDotCom & I confused #PersonalityChart & #NatalChart because of 'My Heavenly #Descent'? | @bing #TeachingInTheFastLane
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before Bing led me to pictures like this one, they told me that 'descent from Heaven' is the literal meaning of the name of the Japanese post-retirement employment system ... hmm ... |
The word “Descent (Kinship between an Individual & their Progenitors, and the Properties Attributable to that Ancestry; or Downward Motion ... #Descend #Descended #Descending #Descendant #Descendent #Descender #Descension)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Come (Climb, Jump, Scan) Down (De-)."
The Ruler archetype is best defined by its innate ability to lead. While others tend to avoid playing the role of a leader, Rulers are absolutely comfortable with volunteering to take charge.
It's important to note that it's not the desire to lead that defines the Ruler archetype, but the actual quality of leadership that you are able to administer.
Truth be told, the Ruler archetype is not merely one-dimensional. It has many different sides and faces, and as we progress through this Archetypal Introduction, you'll begin to understand what I mean. But before we proceed, please do so with with an open mind, and a willing heart.
Jay Hubbard, the Ruler archetype is best illustrated through the decisions that you make. You are often fair, just, and honourable.
You're able to manage the expectations of others and grant direction towards maintaining order amongst your friends and various groups of people.
But what really sets you apart is your passion for power and authority... Control is the one thing that you sought after the most, and also the one thing that you find the most fulfilling.
Everything that you do is always somehow related to either gaining, maintaining, or even exercising control.
That does not mean to say that you're a control freak. Your approach to idea of control is calculated and methodical.
More often than not, you leverage on your leadership qualities to attain higher personal goals, be it for their family, friends, or your community 0 and not for senseless or selfish reasons.
If there's anyone who's capable of pulling that off, it's you, and you know that as well.
Others find themselves drawn to you because of your assertive and decisive personality. Within your group of friends, you are often the one calling the shots and organizing outings and gatherings... A trait that others find alluring and attractive about you.
Needless to say, the Ruler is perhaps one of the most charismatic archetypes. After all, you do need a little bit of charisma in order to gain the trust of others.
Jay Hubbard, you are also idealistic when it comes to your goals - a strong sign of a visionary. You refuse to fall short of your objectives, and you consider consolation as an indicator of failure.
As a Ruler, you thrive on creating reliable systems for others to follow.
Your stance is grounded with conviction, and that conviction is articulated with empathy, kindness, and a giving heart.
Your visions are what drive you and motivate you to live life to its fullest. And you refuse to rest until you see your visions through.
You feel responsible for the others around you - whether they're your friends, co-workers, or even your loved ones. That sense of responsibility pushes you to lead them by example. And that's what ultimately separates you from the wannabes.
But we'll discuss that in greater detail as we progress through this Archetypal Introduction.
Jay Hubbard, you are inspiring, confident, and determined.
You might not have a specific expertise or an actual skill set, but as a generalist, you do possess excellent management abilities.
You're able to delegate and direct others with positive certainty - and that's what makes others willing to follow.
You're not one to shy away from the limelight - being the centre of attention comes natural to you.
Your keen eye for detail ensures that whatever you set out to do is meticulously executed with precision.
Apart from that, you're also an individual who's welcoming and open - especially to people who you trust. You rarely shy away from opportunities to play the role of a listening ear, and you feed off information from others to make sincere and unbiased choices.
As a Ruler, you're gallant and audacious when it comes to taking massive action. Whether it's embarking on an unfamiliar personal journey, or putting a new idea to the test, you're swift to move.
Unlike other archetypes, you're not one to fear failure - you have a thorough understanding of failure, realizing that it's the next step towards greatness. In fact, you welcome it with open arms.
You are not afraid to make difficult and unpopular decisions. When you have to put your foot down, you do not hesitate.
That's because you're willing to put your reputation and image at stake for the sake of your values, and for the good of others.
In terms of your behaviour around others, you tend to be a little bit careful with your choice of words. You prefer to keep yourself censored, and you're always looking for the most politically correct way of putting things.
You're fully aware that your words have the capacity to hurt or help others, and you'd very much prefer to use them with good intentions.
But there are obstacles that stand before you... Obstacles that you must be made aware of...
This portion of your Archetypal Introduction does not seek to scare you... But it's best that you be made aware of the potential challenges that lie ahead of you - or perhaps you've encountered some of these challenges already.
However, I have no doubt that with your Archetypal strengths and personality traits, , you will overcome all that stands in your way.
The Ruler archetype tends to struggle with spreading itself too thin. At times, it might feel like you're needed everywhere all at once. It's likely that thoughts of cloning yourself or splitting yourself in half have crossed your mind.
That challenge often stems from your refusal to seek help from others, perhaps from a lack of trust in the people around you.
That challenge originates from a deeper fear that resides within you... and that is your fear of losing control.
Perhaps your obsession with retaining power can at times be unwarranted, or even unnecessary - a self-inflicted belief that has convinced you that power is something that needs to be protected.
It is important for you to realize that a lack of trust does not resonate well with others, and they do see it as well.
And that leads us to your greatest challenge of all, Jay Hubbard - and that is overcoming yourself.
The sooner you're aware of your struggles and weaknesses, the sooner you'll be able to experience the wonders and greatness that it has to offer. Working on that aspect of your personality will, in fact, reveal a part of your archetype that you never knew existed.
Jay Hubbard, it's important to understand that all archetypes has its fair share of weaknesses and challenges. Now that you're aware of them, you'll be able to pay attention to them, and then improve on them.
You are an excellent mediator when it comes to managing expectations – those from yourself, and from others. You’re always able to maintain order through your sense of understanding what people want..
This can be applied to both your personal and work relationships.
Your talents in discerning right from wrong allows you to concoct fair solutions that are beneficial to all parties involved.
Your calling in life will revolve primarily around those traits, Jay Hubbard. As long as you're able to be in a position where you're able to make fair decisions and provide others with direction, you will find the fulfillment that you seek.
But you must always remember that your sense of self-worth is not determined by your ability to lead or to rule. In fact, it is important for you to disassociate it completely from your identity.
In eventuality, that is the true calling that you must answer to.
Do you see that chart on top? That little chart over there represents the archetypes that you’re most likely to end up with. Or if you’re already in a committed relationship, there’s a really good chance that your spouse is one of those archetypes.
The Ruler archetype is known to be charismatic, assertive, and responsible in a relationship... You often plan ahead of time, and potential romantic partners are often appreciative of that trait.
But you must be aware that you do tend to come off as authoritative and domineering, which can be challenging attributes to have in a relationship. That often tips the balance in opinions and perspectives, and your partner will have to exercise a lot of patience and humility to constantly submit to you.
You must bear in mind that relationships are always a two-way street, and the values and opinions of your partner needs to be listened to. Listening to your partner can in fact, be a lot more empowering than trying to impose your authority over him or her.
It's unlikely that you'll encounter any trouble with finding potential suitors, but if you hold your cards too closely to your chest, you might lose the opportunity to find the one who's right for you.
With that being said, you must learn to be vulnerable and trusting, and through that, you will also learn to be a more attentive, emotionally present lover. That will translate into a rewarding romantic relationship.
But don’t forget, Jay Hubbard, how you perceive yourself should not be determined by your love life. Romance is merely one, single aspect of life - not the only. It's always best to focus on your own personal growth, because that's the path that you must embark on to lead a rewarding and fulfilled life.
Jay Hubbard, even though you've made some remarkable progress in your life...
There is a big part of you that's yearning for something MORE. Perhaps you're living pay cheque to pay cheque, and you're not experiencing the abundance you've always yearned for.
Perhaps there's an overwhelming sense of loneliness and emptiness, finding it difficult to connect with others.
Or... Perhaps you thought you'd be a lot farther ahead by now.
It's NOT your fault, Jay Hubbard... And here's why.
Let's agree on one thing - wealthy millionaires and famous actors are amongst the most abundant individuals on the planet.
By their own right, these different groups of individuals have ALL achieved the heavily coveted "abundance"... Whether it's money, fame, happiness... They've nailed it!
But how...?
...Is it SHEER LUCK that has brought these fortunate individuals to encounter such marvellous rewards?
...Is it THE LAW OF ATTRACTION that has helped them manifest their deepest desires?
...Is there some HIDDEN SECRET that they're deliberately keeping to themselves, while they watch the rest of us struggle?
Now, here's the hard truth.
Some way, some how, perhaps by chance or destiny, they've all "stumbled" upon a silent, secret "resistor" LURKING within themselves. A quiet killer of abundance.
A secret that's literally STOPPING ALMOST EVERYONE from maximizing their true potential... From creating the life of their desires.
Feeling skeptical? Uncertain...? Confused...?
In just a moment, I'm going to share with you this secret hidden, silent killer of YOUR abundance. The very same "resistor" that abundant individuals have somehow conquered to transform their lives...
Every individual across the face of the planet, whether you're a ruler, a plumber, or Tom Cruise - every individual faces adversity... Resistance that holds them back from being successful.
Resistance that stems from the conscious mind's natural sense of "BALANCE".
Analytical psychologists and individuation practitioners like to call it "homeostasis".
Homeostasis is the true resistance of change. It is the brain's warning system that you're stepping into a realm of discomfort, and it wants to retract you back, hold you back into a state of familiarity.
That's why no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do differently...
You're always finding yourself running around in circles, expending all your energy, only to find yourself back at SQUARE ONE.
It's like a part of your brain wants to transform. It wants to undergo a breakthrough, but at the same time it's holding itself back!
Think of it as the mind's self-regulating thermostat that keeps your mind in a "lukewarm" state.
The worst part? All these internal battles take place unbeknownst to you, because it happens in your subconscious mind.
So, until you learn to consciously correct your mind's self-regulating thermostat... Your energy, happiness, abundance will constantly remain in this "lukewarm" state.
Now, in order to correct homeostasis, we have to first understand how it works
Homeostasis is triggered by a little almond-shaped part of your brain called the amygdala. The little part that's responsible for the response and memory of fear.
So whether you're trying to manifest your desires, correct your behaviours, seize a new opportunity, undergo a journey of self discovery...
...Your amygdala WILL sense discomfort, sound the alarm, and force you into a state of homeostasis by creating paralyzing friction between YOUR CURRENT SELF, and WHO YOU'RE TRYING TO BECOME.
Your amygdala is the obstacle standing between you, and immense growth. Good change, bad change, or even pointless change - your amygdala will prevent you from breaking out.
...Talk about being imprisoned by your own mind!
But if there's ONE THING that we HAVE LEARNED from millionaires, actors, and abundant individuals, it's this.
"Breaking away from our amygdalas is ENTIRELY possible."
People from all over the world, from vastly different backgrounds, facing incredulous circumstances, have shown us time and time again that breaking through homeostasis CAN BE DONE.
And I'm going to reveal exactly how you can leverage on your archetype to conquer your mind's natural resistor - your amygdala.
I'll break it down for you.
Your archetype, the ruler, is your gateway to YOUR complete transformation.
There is a palpable reason why psychologists have referred to archetypes as "the fundamental of the human mind".
Archetypes reside in the unconscious, silently influencing EVERYTHING we do - our behaviours and thoughts, without us even REALIZING IT.
...Which is why you were not aware of your archetype, your amygdala, and homeostasis... Until right now.
But awareness is merely the beginning!
See, most people would try to tackle their amygdalas head-on with brute force, thinking "if I tell myself not to be afraid, then I won't be afraid". Simple enough, right?
Big mistake.
Unfortunately, it does not work that way. If it did, there would be FAR MORE millionaires, actors, and abundant individuals! Don't believe me? Here, I'll explain.
Think of tackling your mind's natural resistor as the infamous Chinese finger trap. No matter how hard you try, how much force you use, the Chinese finger trap isn't going to release... Why? Well, because that's precisely what it's designed to do - resist!
Forcing your fingers apart creates more friction. It clamps down even tighter, making your release nearly IMPOSSIBLE.
If you've ever toyed with one of these strange thingamajigs, you would know that the only solution to make it release is the EXACT OPPOSITE of your natural instincts.
See, you cannot just pull your fingers apart...
You have to push your fingers together, releasing the trap's traction, and then smoothly slip your fingers away.
Think of the finger trap as the "amygdala". Think of the resistance and friction between the trap and your fingers as "homeostasis".
And think of your two fingers as your subconscious mind, and the unconscious...
Yes, now you see.
Archetypal integration aligns your subconscious mind to the unconscious, opening the gateway of infinite possibilities.
It's what guides your consciousness from a state of homeostasis, to a state of transformation.
And that's exactly when you'll start to witness all your limiting beliefs dissolve, your energy blocks released, and your consciousness shift.
Your very own holistic transformation - gifting you the purpose and direction to reach your destiny of fulfilled desires.
Over the years, we have created a remarkable system that guides individuals through a self-discovery process like no other...
...Restoring flair, passion and purpose to the lost and directionless.
...Returning confidence and certainty to the insecure and undecided.
A "strange" transformation method that will reveal to you a complete and epiphanic understanding of who you are, who you have the potential to become, and what's stopping you from living a life of abundance, happiness, and love. ...
... and--if 'all of the above' isn't "trying to sell me something"--the rest of that page (the remaining 70-to-80-percent of it!) probably is!
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