@Thoughty_2 explains #Quicksand (You Mean It's Not Just a Bottomless Pit Full of Powder?)

That explanation is in the video linked through 'the main word' below. I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the first words' bases ...

The word “Quicksand” (the #Colloid of |Sand & Water) is built on ancient words that mean "Living ( |Quick) + Sand." 
The word "Colloid" (a Solid distributed within a Liquid, like Jam or #Oobleck) is built on ancient words that mean " |Glue + Form (-|oid)." #Colloidal
And the word "Oobleck" is Dr. (Theodore Geisel) Seuss's word for the substance that Isaac Newton discovered, probably built on 'the exclamation |Ooh! (when you see the substance that looks like a liquid) followed by the exclamation |Blech! (when you touch it & realize it's actually a yucky-sticky solid).'

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