@MSNNews with a @YardBarker slideshow listing the Top 'Throwback #Jams' to Holler-with while Stuck in a #TrafficJam | @JunoRecords @SongFacts @Biography @Wikipedia

I caught that link (linked through 'the main word' below) on my Edge Chromium homepage; and I thought--with all the meanings of the word #Jam--it's important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Jam” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Press |Tightly, become |Wedged" (on murky foundations ... foundations that might've meant "to |Bite on something, |Gnash the teeth" (|Champ)). 
The food-meaning comes from the method of |Preserving |Fruits (by |Pressing them |Tightly together), a Sweet Concoction that inspired Musicians to call their |Tightly Packed |Improvisation-Sessions #JamSessions (tho it might also have something to do with Radio-|Interference, a.k.a. #Jamming the Signal 😏). #JamPacked #JamsAndJellies

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I'll list the jams they mention, but the first one that comes to mind is--of course--

Of course MSN Entertainment's media-professionals clearly explain how each of the above songs fit into listeners' audio-universes back in the day (so--to get 'the 4-1-1' on the songs' meanings and influences on culture--it's best to check out the article linked in 'the etymology').

But--for study of 'some of their deeper meanings and maybe some newer news about the artists & their groups'--you'll want to click over to the new posts I'll link-to from the songs' titles & artists (Blue for 'my sources'; Green for 'my "personal" reports (mostly drawn from "my sources")').
