@MoveOn TRIED to Leave Me Out of their #ProgressivePowerTraining #Sessions ... Can They Still Succeed? #TogetherWeCan! | @StackExchange

I registered for their Progressive Power Training sessions, and I don't think the reply they sent me told me where the PPT-session would be 😔 (maybe they did, and I missed it; I'll quote 'everything they sent me' below the subscribe-bar, and I'll show you 'what I missed').

You can access a video of May 1's #session through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Sessions” is built on ancient words that mean "to Sit."
#BullSession #QuarterSession
And 'a piece of "the vernacular"' that's shared with us 
(though I ought to do the word |PowerMap) is,
The word Dope (as a synonym of  "something Great, |Excellent, Impressive"), with #Turf as one of the foundations beneath it. And "Turf" is built on ancient words that mean "to Wind, |Compress" (also supporting words that mean "|Tuft of Grass").
#Turfed #Turfing #Astroturf #TurfWar


After I filled out my registration, they sent me

Dear Jay,

Thank you so much for your RSVP to join the Progressive Power Training Series! We look forward to coming together throughout three sessions beginning May 1, 2022 at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT, where you will identify your role in this political moment, your power to make an impact, and your influence as an activist in your community!

Now that you have signed up, make sure you’re ready:

  • Share with three friends so they can attend the virtual Training Series with you at MoveOn.org/rsvp.
  • Keep your schedule clear for the follow-up series sessions on May 15 and June 5, 2022 at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT!
  • Join the MoveOn Mobilizer community, where you can connect with a nationwide group of passionate grassroots organizers and take action to build a more inclusive, progressive future.

Stay tuned for more updates before the training with more detailed information on how to log on and join the 2022 Progressive Power Training Series.

–MoveOn Training Team

Then I sent them a brief reply (which you'll see at the bottom of their response)

Hi Rabst,

I apologize for the technical difficulties you experienced trying to get the link for this upcoming training session

*Here is the link you can use to join the training live at 8:00 pm Eastern  / 5:00 Pacific time this evening:


I encourage you to bookmark the 2022 Progressive Summit Homepage, where all the materials will be kept, and where you will be able to find the recordings after the training is over:


Thanks for all you do.


MoveOn Community Support Volunteer

On Sun, May 1 at 5:22 PM , Rabst <rabst@outlook.com> wrote:


Oh! Now I'm seeing 'the email they sent me that morning' (Facebook & Twitter etc. have gotten me into the habit of 'not checking my email')--the one that the response-email is "quoting"--

Dear Jay,

It's almost time! Go to MoveOn.org/live to join the Progressive Power Training series TODAY at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT)

If you have any trouble accessing the livestream today, simply reply to this email and a volunteer will try to help with any issues.

This first training will focus on identifying your role and MoveOn’s role in the progressive movement and the current political climate. If you haven’t done so already, add it to your calendar so you don’t miss out!

Once you’ve added it to your calendar, make sure you’re ready:

  • Join the MoveOn Mobilizer community, where you can connect with a nationwide group of passionate grassroots organizers and take action to build a more inclusive, progressive future.
  • Engage with fellow participants in the chats by signing up for Twitch account using these instructions.
  • Bookmark the 2022 Progressive Summit Homepage, where all the materials will be kept, and where you will be able to find the recording after the training is over.
  • Last but not least, share the RSVP link MoveOn.org/RSVP with three friends so they can attend the virtual training series with you!
We will see you soon!
–Saskia, Chris, Emily, Gabi, and the rest of the training team
