@BallotReady's #CivicEngines' #PlanToVote helps you #Concoct Your #VotingPlan | @TheDailyBeast @MoveOn | #Concocting #Concocted #Concoction #Concocts

Well, 'they help you' at the site linked-to through "that word" below.

What I show here is 'the group of words' that give "that word" a place to connect to your vocabulary ... deeper sources that firm the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Concoct” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Cook/|Prepare/|Ripen/(& Digest? Food) Together (see Con-)" (the metaphor extended naturally from Writing a Recipe, to |Drawing a |Scheme).

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I mailed-my-vote-in about a month ago,
... but just-today (November 3rd, in case I edit this and change the post-date above (or -below or -wherever Blogger puts it) I got a text (from a MoveOn volunteer) directing me to mvt.to/BeAVoter (which redirects to the site linked through 'Concoct' above).

At that site, they can make sure you're registered to vote, set up an alert to remind you to go vote, help you find directions to the right place to return your ballot, and help you track it to make sure it gets to the right people!
