#Con- #Con #Conn (#CommanderYouHaveTheConn) #prosandCons #Conned #Conning #ConningTower

The prefix “Con-” is built on With, Together (in Latin, it's a form of Com- that was used before consonants except -b-, -p-, -l-, -m-- or -r-; English tends to use |Co- where Latin would use 'con-'). 
The word “Con” is built on |Against (see |Contra)” (usually in the phrase "Pros & Cons") or -of Confidence (the |Assurance based on |In|sufficient |Grounds, usually when the victim of a con(fidence) man's |Swindle is persuaded to hand over Money as a Token of |Trust) ... 
or -of "with, together (com-) + to |Lead" (to |Give Orders for the Guiding & Steering of a |Ship ... when The Captain tells their Second-in-Command (Number One or whoever), "You Have the Con,") ... 
or -of "to Know" (see Can ... not directly related to "Recon," but probably from the same root) or -of any of a number of words that start with -con-Confidant, Conundrum, Conformist, Convict, Contract, Conductor, Conservative, et al.
