@STARWARS-questions whose Answers SHOULD be #Confidential | @MASHABLE

The word |Confidential| is built above words that mean “Totally Trusted with one's Private Intimacy (to Persuade)” (a Swindler (#ConMan) gains False |Confidential|).

like #Confidence #Confident #Confide #TotalCon #ConGame #ConScheme #Confidentiality #Confidentially 

The questions MASHABLE discusses (and describes the reasons behind 'the lack of any final answers):
  • How does The Force work?
  • Where did Anakin Skywalker come from?
  • What's the deal with Yoda (& Grogu)'s species?
    • Weren't they the same species as that bar-owner in the sequel trilogy (Maz Katana, shown above?)?
  • Why are all planets one biome each (a desert-planet, forest-moon, ice-planet ... why not any with assorted climate-zones like Earth)?
  • Why doesn't the technology get updated?
  • Are droids sentient?
  • Who is 'telling the story' in STAR WARS?
    • Lucas has said it's all written by R2D2 (the semi-sentient trash-can)--like Ishmael in Moby Dick--& Artoo HAS been the only one whose been there the whole time & probably has his memory fully intact; but shouldn't there be a 'human' voice in the journal-entry?
And you can speculate/proclaim the answers (in the comments)--or respond to my speculations/proclamations--with a comment below.
