@NOTnotAliMac performs the #SarcGasm | @UrbanDictionary

"SarcGasm" is obviously a portmanteau of #Sarcasm &
 #Orgasm (although I wouldn't doubt that Ali's caused
 a good many 'SarcGasms'). 

The word "Sarcasm" (Using Irony to Mock or -|Convey Contempt) is built on ancient words that mean "to Cut" (like a Piece of Meat—as Speaking Bitterly or |Sneering at someone was 'the emotional equivalent of Stripping Off their Flesh'). #Sarcastic #Sarcastically #Sarcastical (an earlier form) 
The word "Orgasm" is built on ancient words that mean "to Burgeon, Swell with Strength" (also the base of words that mean "Nourishment, |Sap, |Vigor, Anger"). #Orgasmic #Orgasmed #Orgasming #Orgasms
