@USATODAY & @WAVE3news tell us that Kentucky's Elected-Leaders have to Swear (Out-Loud) that They've Never Fought in a #Duel-to-the-Death

Maybe they tell us more, but that's as far as I could get into 'the article' (linked through |that word|  below) before I hit a subscription-wall. (I signed up for an account, but won't share my money-information.)

But |that word| seems important; so I found out a little more about |that word| to my attention) and share my findings with you below---maybe I'll add some notes beneath (and/or you might start/continue the discussion in the comments).

... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, this- and other extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed

The word |Duel| is a blend of words that mean "Two" & -that mean "War" (see |Bellicose ... a blend evolving to mean "a Single & |Judicial Combat (between Two Persons)").
just like #Duels #Dueled #Dueling #Duelling #Duelist

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

where the "PRESENT CONSTITUTION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY" says its elected officials have to say (OUT-LOUD) that they "have not fought a duel with deadly weapons within the State nor out of it, nor ... accepted a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, nor ... acted as second in carrying a challenge, nor aided or assisted any person thus offending ..."
