Remember @Creed? I always enjoyed them & thought of them as #Grunge (though they were actually #PostGrunge, if not an #Imitation of their 'Influences')

The Youtube-list for their album (my own prison) is linked through |those words| below.
The word |Grunge| (the music- & fashion-style of Sloppiness, Dirtiness, Untidiness, Shabbiness (though all usually-SanitizedšŸ˜·)) is probably a back-formation from #Grungy, which might be based on- or blended from-"|Grubby" & "|Dingy."
The word |Imitation| stands on the peak of the tower high above the proto-word *aim- "to Copy."
on which are also-built #Imitates #Imitated #Imitate
 #Imitating #Imitative #Imitable #Imitator #Imitators
 #Inimitable #Imitable

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

My New Mantra (one of several) - Nothing is forever except Change (BUddhA)

... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed
