I'm #RiledUp against @SandyHook's, @EveryTown's, @BradyBUZZ's-etc. BAD FOCUS! #GunLaws don't affect #OutLaws! | @WFAA @abc2020 @NewtownAction @USAfacts @MoveOn @TheStraightDope @Wikipedia
I watched the 'year-memorial' of the Uvalde mass-shooting (discussed on a news-channel near there)---a shooting like the one that inspired 'the gun-control groups' (listed below my 'Keep Up'-bar).
But I don't think "gun-control" LAWS are going to help as much as these groups hope they will. Yes, guns are 'unchecked by the government' and are used to kill about 50,000 people a year; but automobiles are HEAVILY 'checked by the government' (so much so that "a driver's license" often doubles as 'government I.D.'), and automobiles are used (by accident--sure--but still!) to kill only a few-thousand less.
Gun-control's not the way. I'll suggest The Way that might work beneath the gun-control advocate listings. But first, that word (linked to 20/20's Uvalde-memorial).
The word #Rile (from the phrase “Riled Up”) is a dialectical spelling-alteration of #Roil (just like Heist from Hoist or Spile (obsolete) from Spoil), a word built on ancient words that mean "to #Rust" (see Robust, Regulate).
The word "Rust" is built on ancient words that mean #Ruddy.
The word "Ruddy" is built on ancient words that mean "Red" (also a British slang-euphemism for "Bloody" (useful, as they infamously us 'Bloody' as an emphatic modifier 🤔 like "Very")).
just like ##Riles #Riled #Riling #Roils #Roiled #Roiling
#Rusts #Rusted #Rusting #RustBucket #RustBelt #Rusty
#RustProof #Ruddiness
cliché--I know--but with a kernel of truth |
I could list all the gun-control advocacy groups in the United States, but--since that list is (probably) given by Wikipedia--I'll save that for a glazomania-attack in the future. 😜
All those groups' gun-control suggestions are very practical. "If guns are not so 'readily-available' (a term often conflated with the term 'legal'), fewer maniacs will be able to commit mass-murders with them," their logic says.
But maniacs will rage (with or without firearms). We'll have to deal with that problem either way. Besides, if we deal with that first then we won't have the mass-shooting problem (at least not at the level we have it today).
But my suggestion? Put simply, direct more military spending to mental-health. (Call it "negotiation-training" if you need to 'justify it.') Because we are at war---each of us. Our minds are each 'a battleground for the war of (some people's name for the conflict) "Good vs. Evil" (although sometimes it manifests as "Self vs. Community" or "Citizens vs. Government" or etc.)'
Mental Health-professionals guide us in making peace between our selfish wants & our communities' peaceful needs. That's the gun-control we need: We The People controlling our own gun-behavior!
(I admit; I've kinda taken the easy way on that---controlling my gun-behavior by not ever being anywhere near 'access to firearms.')
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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