"Fourth Wall" of a #FourthWall: Maybe this Blog is "Something for me to #Chew instead of the Poisonous #Cud that I 'Ruminate' on" | @RecoveryVillage
Evil thoughts out!
Are they gone yet?
The word “Fourth Wall” is ... well, the full phrase is #BreakTheFourthWall. The idea is that--in a play or movie or TV-show--the audience is sitting behind 'the fourth wall of the room in which the action is happening.' But sometimes a player will talk to the audience - #BreakingTheFourthWall.
I did a little searching to make sure I got that right, and found a lot of talk about theatrical 'wall breaking':
- A Guess on Quora, and another, https://www.quora.com/Is-there-such-a-thing-as-breaking-the-1st-2nd-3rd-wall
- A studio's blog about the 4th wall, and about the 3rd wall.
- A Wiktionary entry about the FIFTH wall (or that defines it in an aside ... LoL)
- The Fourth Wall and Why it's Relevant to Content
The best example? (I think it's actually a THIRD Wall Break, as the character is saying it to another character 'on stage' ... or maybe it's a SIXTH Wall Break INSIDE a Third Wall Break ... or something like that, or not ...)
just like #BreaksTheFourthWall #BrokeTheFourthWall
#AFourthWallOfAFourthWall #FourthWallBreak
#ThirdWallBreak #SecondWallBreak #FirstWallBreak
#FifthWallBreak #SixthWallBreak
The word “Chew” is built on ancient words that mean ... well, "Chew" (a word that evolved from/into words that meant "Jaws, |Gnaw, Bite")
just like #Chews #Chewing #Chewed #ChewingGum
#ChewingTobacco #Chewable #Chewably #ChewingTheCud
The word “Cud” is built on ancient words that mean "|Resin (the original Chewing Gum)" (|Glue, |Putty, |Mastic ... applied to Ruminating Animals because the action so resembles humans' "Chewing the Gum").
also related to #Quid (not the Latin (Quid pro Quo), but rather a
... are the 'evil thoughts' (generally, "negative thoughts one is allowed to think about oneself when one is left alone ... often judging oneself by the 'being left alone' by others---wondering- and hypothesizing "reasons why one is not included in the others' activities when it seems like they should've invited you along or waited until you were with them," etc.-etc.) gone yet?
If not, how do you break the rumination? Other than Psychotherapy (in person- or online-counseling) or Anxiety-, Depression- or Addiction-Medication, The Recovery Village suggests Meditation, Yoga, Positive Self-Reflection, Exercise, & Walks in Nature.
What I think the cure is? Companionship ("Love is the Drug," yeah?) Like Our Father said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make him a helper who is suitable to his role.'
But ... so it goes ...
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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