#ClickTrackProfit @CTPtalk coaches us on #SnackableContent: Tasty info, One #Bite at a Time

My post (about infographics like this one) is linked through 'the main word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Bite” is built on ancient words that mean "to Split-, Pierce- or Cut with the Teeth." 
#Bit (the past-tense, tho it also names 'the #Biting Part of a Drill' or 'the Small Piece #Bitten off' or 'the part of the Bridle that the Horse #Bites' ... but the Data-Unit (though influenced by this 'Bit') is actually a portmanteau of 'Binary Digit')  
#Biter #BugBite #FleaBite #FrostBite #NailBiter #Overbite #BiteTheBullet (military-slang from the old days, when medics would have soldiers chomp on a lead bullet to distract them during emergency surgery) #BiteYourTongue #BitingMyLip (in antici- ...) #BiteOffMoreThanYouCanChew (referring to plug-tobacco)


(... -pation!)
