@MoveOn with a New Sticker on your #Bumper (or Poster-Wall or Trapper-Keeper or ... wherever kids keep stickers these days)

Well, we've been waiting for the indictment for ... well, decades; but Trump himself thought it would be here a week-or-so ago. And I first heard about it via text message from MoveOn.org.
their text-message says:

Dear MoveOn Member,

Donald Trump has been indicted over an illegal hush money payment to adult actor ... etc. ...

... To mark Trump's indictment and ensure he is held to account, MoveOn has printed a huge batch of these "Convict Trump" stickers and is giving them away while supplies last.

Claim your FREE sticker at the site linked through the bold word(s) below. 

The word “Bumper” (in #BumperSticker) refers to 'Rubber |Cushions on the Ends of Cars (at one time referring to |Railway Cars), though it originally referred to 'a Glass Filled to the |Brim' or 'anything Unusually Large' (like a #BumperCrop); 
and is built on ancient words that mean "Booming, Swelling or Bulging as a result of being |Hit or |Struck."
#Bumpers #BumperCars #BumperToBumper #BumpAndGrind #BumpOnALog #BumpInto #BumpOff #Bump #Bumps #Bumped #Bumping #Bumpsy #Bumpy #Bumptious #Bumptiously #Bumptiousness #GooseBumps

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