I tried to find 'MoveOn.org' on a page you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below (you can search there and see if they're brave enough to have their own account there ... unless they're "chicken!" 🐔); but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The sense of “Move” that means 'Propose an Action for a |Deliberative Assembly to Consider' was adapted by early 15c, built on the same ancient words as the original (as the |Parliamentary Procedure was commonly passed with a |Gesture of the Second-|ers' Hands).
#Motion #MotionPassed
I'm on MoveOn.org's text-message list, and today they sent me
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couldn't find the 'anti-MAGA' graphic they sent me (that had the text "JOIN THE FIGHT; STOP A MAGA TAKEOVER THIS NOVEMBER"), this is the closest thing I could find |
'a pic' that was accompanied by this text:
MoveOn: In an unprecedented and extraordinary move, the FBI executed a warrant on Monday at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home.Newly unsealed documents show that the FBI is investigating Trump for potential obstruction of justice and Espionage Act violations (for illegally taking classified documents--including documents related to nuclear weapons from his time in the White House--to Mar-a-Lago).The MAGA Republican Party poses an existential threat to the very survival of our democracy---and we have less than 90 days to stop them from controlling Congress.That's why MoveOn is investing $30 million into our 2022 midterm campaign to hire on-the-ground organizers, launch hard-hitting TV ads, and do more to turn out the voters who will stop Trump.But as a member-funded organization, we need ... blah-blah-blah
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I appreciate your comment, and I'll probably approve it & publish it soon (give me about a week before you try to post it again when it doesn't publish immediately ... thanks)