Why Can't I #Chromecast @Chromecast? | @GoogleChrome

Yes, X explains Y in a vlog you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The name “Chromecast” is obviously the word Chrome with the suffix -cast---the device being a Dongle that allows one to 'View' (Broadcast, but Privately (not Broadly)) Internet Videos on one's Home System ... or something else---I just glanced at the Wikipedia.
#Chromecasting #Chromecasts

KOCO 5 shared a post about an upcoming Brooks & Dunn concert with me, and it had a video at the top. As I want to share the announcement with the forum, I 'secondary-clicked' the video to see if I could download it; I didn't see 'download,' but I DID see "Cast ..." and I clicked that.

That brought up my Chrome-based browser's "Cast Tab," which scanned my computer and told me I had "no devices connected." 🤷‍♂️

I clicked the little 'circled question-mark,' and the proceeding "support"-page described 'my Chromecast device' as if I knew "what the hell that was!" (of course, that's prior to reading the above-linked Wikipedia).

being unsure about Chromecast

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