#Wikipedia: It's Free to Use, so They Need Your Support (Stuff Still Costs Money for THEM!) | @Wikipedia @Wikimedia

Sent to Wikipedia because someone shared some important information with them, I run into the 'yearly announcement':
To all our readers,Please don't scroll past this. This Thursday we humbly ask you to defend Wikipedia's independence. Our 2020 fundraiser will be over soon. 98% of our readers don't give; they look the other way. If you donate just $2.75, or whatever you can this Thursday, Wikipedia could keep thriving. Most people donate because Wikipedia is useful. If Wikipedia has given you $2.75 worth of knowledge, take a minute to donate. Show the editors who bring you neutral, verified information that their work matters. If you are one of our rare donors, you have our gratitude, and we warmly thank you. Your donation to the Wikimedia Endowment matters.
What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that name" (below hyperlinked to ways you can give & -to more information about how donations are used) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Wikipedia” is built out of Wiki & #Encyclopedia. 
"Encyclopedia" is built on ancient words that mean General (In + Circle ( |Around)) + Education (Child-Rearing ( |Pedo-)). #Cyclopedia #Encyclopedic

(The idea behind the name--then--is that you
 will find 'the information you'd normally go to
 the library's encyclopedia for (if you don't own your
 own set of #Encyclopaedia
),' but WikiWiki (Hawaiian
 for "Very Quickly").) 

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