How Should I Get #VideoEquipment (a #ZoomCam (ie. #WebCam, without the stigma of 'that word'))? (& Why I Don't Know, even though "It's Obvious How I Should Do It") | #Video #VideoCamera #Vids #Videos #Videography #Videographer #VideoPhone

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'Why dontchya just go get a video-camera?' people might ask (if I ever got up the courage to tell them I want one).

Because 1) I don't just carry around the amount of money it would cost to get one & 2) I didn't just 'go get' any of 'the computers' I ever had (they were all given to me, revealing the truth of the Grace of God on Earth—maybe it comes from him, but it only does anything "real" if people decide to use it!)

Maybe I asked for a computer (or -a new computer), but I don't remember specifying ... I feel like they usually came to me 'because somebody had an extra one and I was lucky that they thought of me.'

And I appreciate it and its ability to communicate with you as much as I have. I guess I just get jealous when I see all these people whose videos get thousands (millions?) of 'views' (audience-members) from "just talking" (with some minor 'video production'-work).

'That word' (below-hyperlinked to a search for 'the different kinds of video-equipment I might use') is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Video” is built on ancient words that mean "to See" (Visual equivalent of Audio).

It reminds me of when I was paralyzed, lying in bed & watching people walk, dance & run around on TV. I eventually rose to walk ... but I remember they had to "strap me to the bed" to make sure I didn't get up before I was ready! (not "tie me down"–with handcuffs & chains etc.–more like 'just a big rubber band' to make sure I don't get up without "thinking about it")

How did I gain 'the right (permission) to get up & walk around'? I remember I started out with Occupational- & Physical Therapists accompanying me (walking around 'the PT-gym'). (Like people who–when they're about 15–can drive automobiles as long as there's a properly licensed person in the passenger-seat)

So who's 'the properly licensed person' for me to start recording videos with until there's enough "confidence that you can trust me with my own video-equipment"?

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
