What Do I Want? #Reciprocal #Thrust from influencers on @Twitter---influencers like @POTUS & @CRACKED & @GoVictoryTV & @Maddow & @CopelandNetwork & @StephenAtHome & @EagleMt & @AliVelshi & @TerriPearsons & @MSNBC & @pontifex & @LadyGaga & @ShepherdsChapel etc.

Yes, I will explain my 'hopelessly hoped-for hoping' below the 'follow'-bar; but first–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Reciprocal” is built on ancient words that mean "Forward in Return (or Back ... see Re-, Pro-, -al)."
#Reciprocally #Reciprocating #Reciprocatory #Reciprocative #Reciprocate #Reciprocation #Reciprocity #Reciprocated #Reciprocornous
The word “Thrust” is built on ancient words that mean "Push, Press (see Threat ... the way they call "a singing, dancing actor" a #TripleThreat).
#Thrusting #OutThrust #Thruster #Thrusts #Thrusters 

'Reciprocal' & 'Thrust' are grains-of-sand (in the bricks in the foundation) beneath the word "Interaction." Which is something I'm aiming-for, but I'm steadying that aim here.


Well, here I am.

I 'format these posts to share on Twitter' (i.e. I use little @- & #-symbols (not to mention | & || etc.) in the post-title, in the rumored hope that it makes my shared links there more 'clickable').

Particularly the @-symbol: In the Tweets, it 1) hyperlinks the tagged Twitter-I.D. to that user's Twitter-page, 2) notifies that user of 'my mention of them' (probably ... that might be 'an optional setting') & 3) (and this 'trick' might be "totally my imagination"---a glitch that they probably patched-up ... if it ever existed in the first place) the Tweet is shared with their millions of followers.

(Funny, how they use that word 'followers'--that is the word Twitter uses and -the word echoed by MSNBC's Ali Velshi--though it's essentially the same as YouTube's "subscribe"---it posts the 'followed' Tweeters' Tweets on the 'followers' feed-page.)

When I was starting on 'the Blogosphere,' I heard that--since 'being linked-to from popular websites' earned your page a higher ranking on popular search-engines--it was a good idea to send link-trade requests to popular sites you hyperlink.

And as Twitter developed, popular blog-traffic gurus called the @-tag 'the poor man's link-trade.' So I use it whenever I hyperlink to an influencer (other than CryptoTab and others I hyperlink very-frequently).

The @-tag also 'shares credit for the text I quote.' It's like I'm co-blogging with the sites I hyperlink.

But who's influenced by me?

And so it goes.
My New Mantra (one of several)

I really enjoy sharing my unique perspectives and I'm thankful to you for liking this enough to subscribe (FOR FREE) to get alerts when I post something new and -to comment below (to tell me how crazy or -ingenious or -foolish or -enlightening-etc. my writing is).
