Latest from the @CryptoTabNFT News #Hotline - Mining Deeper & Faster 'to uncover More of the Virtue buried in the Virtual!'

CryptoTab explains 'how you can "mine" like a #Whale (even if you've got the hardware of a #Guppy)' on a you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Hotline” (I know it's really more like a 'news-feed' or an 'advertisement--"news"-alert browser-extension,' but I'm 'doing' the word "Hotline" 🤔 which is actually 'a special telephone-line for quick (TWO-WAY) communication between emergency-workers, called a "Hotline" because it automatically connects without keypads or codes') is built of the words Hot & Line.
The word “Whale” (what they call a 'miner' with huge hardwar---giving them a superfast hashrate ... if not the variant of #Wale (to Stripe with a Whip, from ancient words that mean "to Turn, Revolve")) ancient words that mean "any Large Sea Animal."
#Waling #Whalebone #Whaler #Whaling #Whales #WhaleFishing #Whaled #WhaleOfA #WhaleOil

The word “Guppy” (which I don't know if 'the cryptocurrency people' use the word, but "the opposite end of the scale" from  ... I don't know if that's related to the U.S. Navy's #GreaterUnderwaterPropulsionPower (+ y) streamlined submarines) is named after R.J.L. Guppy, from a family named for the place in #Dorset---named after the town of #Dorchester, a name built on ancient words that mean "Roman Town with |Fist-Sized |Pebbles."


The message my 'hotline' gave me to share with 'my readers' on Twitter (which is 'the audience to which I'm writing,' I think):
Don’t own any powerful hardware to start mining and get Bitcoin? It’s your chance — NFT Mining from CryptoTab opens the door to sky-high mining speeds with no device limits or electricity bills! Just browse the Web and watch your BTC income grow! ... (the bold link above) ... #ctnft

So 'miners' with faster computers 'can send more guesses' ('has a higher hashrate) in various ways--beside "speed," some can send 'multiple streams of guesses'--and so have a higher probability of 'scoring' more gas-fees.
