"Our Freedom" was Won when Americans #Revolted; What Else Can You Expect from #MAGAts (whom @JordanKlepper reveals) and/or #Libtards (whom @LiberalHivemind shows are JUST AS BAD!)?

I know it's called 'the Revolutionary War' and not 'the Revolting War,' but they don't put you on the front line to see 'how fast you can pirouette!'---though both words do have the same foundation!

Like I say in the discussion linked below, I am in-no-way "excusing" the massive minority-voters' barbaric reaction to 'the misfortune of choosing the lesser candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election.'

I discuss the situation in a paying forum you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; and you can join in there, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Revolted” is built on ancient words that mean  "to Turn-, Roll Back" (see Revolve).
#Revolt #Revolting
'MAGAts' is liberals' slur for supporters of the hated Donald Trump (whose campaign was known for the acronym MAGA), blending that acronym with #Maggots (the worm- or grub of various swarming insects (especially the Fly), formerly thought to be generated by corruption). The word “Maggots” is built on ancient words that mean "|Grub, Bedbug, Earth|worm."
#Maggot #Maggoty #Maggotry #MAGAt
'Libtards' is conservatives' slur for supporters of Liberal politics, blending that word with #Retards (a slur for the Mentally-Disabled). The word “Retards” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Slow (|Sluggish, |Tardy) Back"
#Retard #Retarded #Retardate #Retardee #Retarding #Retarder #Retardation #Retardance #Retardant #Retardment


"Liberal Hivemind" lays out 'our #VoteBlueNoMatterWho Liberals are JUST AS BAD as- ... well, almost as bad as the #JanuarySixthRioters.' (I may have gotten 'the embed-code' wrong ...)

I'm not a Republican, but I've Independent-ly witnessed how the Liberal (Democrat-ic) media has kinda shown a spotlight on MAGAts (who claim to be Republican) and has kinda 'let the name "Republican" cover the MAGAts (just like the name "Islam" also covers "Jihadis").'
