@MoveOn whines about the #Burden the Ultra-Wealthy DON'T Bear (perhaps ignoring the immense struggles they DO conquer) | @investopedia
But--to convince me (and others ... unless 'others' are just figments-of-my-imagination 🤩) that the ultra-wealthy are "sinister schemers"--MoveOn has me play a game (one you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below) that teaches "how the ultra-wealthy dodge the taxes"; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “|Burden|” (meaning of an ancient word supporting the word "Tax" ... if not the word for 'an Often-Repeated Topic or Idea," built on ancient words that echo |Bass |Accompaniment (in Music), Bumble-Bee, |Drone) is built on ancient words that mean "to Carry" (or "to Bear children").
#Burdened #Burdening #Burdensom #Burthen #Overburden #Unburden #BeastOfBurden #BurdenOfProof
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the image on the text they sent says, "Want to be a tax-avoiding billionaire? ... Tax the ultra-wealthy ..." |
MoveOn sent me a text that reads
... It's mind-boggling that in the U.S., a billionaire can hoard so much wealth that he's able to pay $43-billion in cash for a widely used social media platform, in an effort to bend it to his own personal whims---with absolutely no regard for the harm it could do to the world.How do you consolidate wealth like that? You avoid paying your fair share in taxes.Try your hand at gaming the GOP-rigged tax system to see how it works. (and they give the link I share above, with the image-above as the landing-page.)
The "game" is basically an e-book about how the Ultra-Wealthy |dodge taxes and the Working People don't have enough spare money to legally do such maneuvers, and it leads to a petition ... it doesn't say which petition, but it's probably 'a petition encouraging our Senators & Representatives to pass a tax-proposal that's part of President Biden's proposed budget.
I wonder if MoveOn is missing all the progress the Ultra-Wealthy have made possible, all the charities they support, all the value that society has (and cannot now exist without) because of their work ... or if they're unable to see it because it's not what they're looking-for (they're just looking for 'ways to tear the billionaires down'). Jealousy ...
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