Do You Wash Your Towels Too #Often? #TipsAndTricks thinks you might!

... hmm ...

The word “Often” is an extended form of #Oft, built on ancient words that mean "Frequently (possibly from a root that means 'Under'🤨)."
#Oftener #Oftenest #Oftentimes

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

Well, they say (in the article linked from the frame linked through the bold text above) that your towel should be clean enough to dry yourself off for 3 showers (as long as you hang it up right after every use, and of-course if you don't have to dry up too much of a mess with it);

But I ... I'm too suspicious of insects; TAT says there'll only be a little of my dead skin in the towel, but that's all the bugs need to sense that there's 'a feast' nearby!

Yes, it's a little entomophobic; but "better 'safe' than 'sorry!'"

My New Mantra (one of several)

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