I have an abundance of thoughts. And I want to share that abundance (for FREE). So I share this 'all over' (not really ... I mean 'my Twitter' and 'across the Internet (if people are looking for it)' and 'my MyLot' and maybe a few other sites that pick it up).
What's in it for me? Dunno, I'll think about it & discuss it below 'the Subscribe-bar,' but here I find 'the group of words' that give "that word" a place to connect to your vocabulary ... deeper sources that firm the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Objective” is built on Object + -|ive.
The word “Object” is built on ancient words that mean "to Throw-, |Impel-in Front of, -|Towards, -|Against."
When I first started writing on the Internet, I got dragged into a lot of 'get paid to write'-programs. And--joining a few of them--I found out that I can get paid more ... not for 'writing more' (tho that can get me more 'earnings'), but for 'having more readers'---more "Traffic."
And that dragged me through a load of 'traffic-building schemes'---usually coming in the form of "traffic-exchanges."
That pulled me away from the 'getting people to read my writing'-aspect of the exchanges, and more into the 'click-gathering'-aspect---even going so far as to use 'auto-surf exchange' (to give my blogs high numbers for the search-engines ... the auto-surf address runs my browser through its list of sites on the exchange, and in return it includes my blog on other members' auto-surfing browsers).
I also learned about a few manual surf traffic-exchanges---just like the auto-surf exchanges, except I have to be at my computer while it's running (rather than just starting it and letting it go for an hour).
But the 'traffic' I want is either 1) the traffic from search-engines that people use to find me (if they want to know 'the roots of words' or 'how this |TBI-survivor is trying to make sense of the modern world')--which makes me want to learn more about SEO (Search-Engine Optimization ... basically 'the programming to use to make sure that the search-engines know what I'm writing here)--
or 2) the traffic from Twitter-users (Tweeps ... or Facebook- or LinkedIn- or reddit- or etc.-users) who might be interested in reading blogs I link-to from there. That's why I use a lot of 'hashtags' in the titles of most of my entries, and use the at-sign to 'tag' fellow Tweeps---something I learned as 'an instant link-exchange request' (i.e. when I link to a site by a fellow Tweep, and show them I've done that so that maybe they'll link to my blog).
But do I have any goal in mind? Not really---I mean, money's nice and it's good to share my wisdom with others who hear it and share theirs in return; but the main reason I do this is because 'this is "what I do"' 🙌🏼☯🐱👤🐒....
Do you have any goals in your online interactions? Share them in the comments!
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