Will @JaredLeto #LiveDown his 'Joker'-misfortune with #Morbius? @FilmAffinity | @WDWNT

A "Bing Rewards"-quiz led me to some information on Jared Leto's latest role (in the film ... I thought they said it's opening today, but sources say it's been pushed back (again) this time to April 1).

Film Affinity outlines the film in a report linked through 'the title-character's name' below; but first I want to understand that name better. And I find you understand names better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The name “Morbius” is the name of many mentally unstable science-fiction characters, and is most-likely built on ancient words that mean Sickness, Mental Illness.


As you can see, this role might earn Mr. Leto 'redemption from "having been misused in ... that other movie-or-two"'---you could say that (through this & other exceptional roles) he'll 'live down' that last role's mark on his reputation.

The phrase "Live Down" means "to Live in such a way that you Wipe away the Memory of (a Past Act or -Remark or -Reputation)."
