Why Does @Bing think we should #Grant any worry to 'How Many Times We Use Them to Search the Web'? | @joinAnswers #Grantee #Grantor #Granted #Granting #Grants

For the past week-or-so, 'Bing Rewards' (a.k.a. Microsoft Rewards, but--like META (formerly known as Facebook)--their website still goes by the popular name (at-least as-of November 20)) has been presenting banners like this one as the first 'task' on their users' home dashboard:

But wait a minute; isn't it supposed to be 'we earn Rewards-Points by making all the searches we were going to make anyway'? But now Microsoft expects us to "Search to hit our daily limit!" ... and then the page they link to doesn't even tell us "what that limit is!"


Microsoft Rewards lets you earn credits (with links and quizzes like the one linked through 'that word' below) to put toward sweepstakes-wins & charitable donations & Microsoft-product discounts; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Grant” is built on ancient words that mean Believe, Trust (Credo). 
The surname “Grant (\ #Legrande)” is built on ancient words that mean Grand, |Tall, Large, Great
In America, the given-name “Grant” is often given in honor of |Ulysses SGrant (Commander of the American Union Forces in the American Civil War).

