The #Omega3-body-materials we inherited from The #Tiktaalik, the Creature that All Creatures Evolved-From

That discussion that's linked through 'the creature's name' tells us it's in our brain (along with the shoulders, elbows, wrists, neck, etc.); but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The creature is called the “Tiktaalik,” a word built on ancient words that mean "Large Freshwater Fish." 
"Omega-3s" are long-chain fatty acids that make up most of the human brain. called #Omega3s because the |Methyl-end of the Molecule is in the Last |Locant (that's #Omega) and its nearest DoubleBond is in |Locant Three.

(and no, I don't know what that means; maybe I'll find
 a diagram to explain it.)

"Omega" takes the meaning of Last or Ending from its status as the Last Letter of the Greek Alphabet, and its name is built on the letter |O + ancient words that mean Great (as it is printed Ω ω, as opposed to the Omicron Ο ο).

The forum-post goes on to suggest we should get our Omega-3s (at least twice a week) from Wild Salmon, Lake Trout, Bluefin Tuna and Sardines (or--if we're Vegetarian--we can find Omega-3s in Flax Seed, Walnuts & Canola Oil).
