Dr. Barnett says 'the Catholic Pillar of #Purgatory' (Beliefs I'd Never Heard of Before) Repel Him from #RomanCatholicism

That reason and several others are discussed at the post linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Purgatory” is built on ancient words that mean "to Cleanse, Purify" (#Purge ... the idea being that the Saved Souls--tho assured of Salvation--need to get rid of any Sin they haven't Repented-of yet). #Purgatorial #Purgatorian 
The word "Purge" is built on ancient words that mean "to Set in Motion, Drive, Do, Perform, Draw out or -forth + Pure." #Purged #Purging #PridesPurge #Expurgation #Purgation #Purgative #Purgery (the room for bleaching sugar, not 'lying in court' (Perjury)).

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If I ever heard of 'Catholic preaching on Purgatory,' I heard it as "one of those things ancient people thought" (right next to 'the flat Earth' or 'that Earth is the center of the Universe,' etc.); but Dr. Barnett talked about it as if they still preach Purgatory today, making me go and see if there's any modern preaching on purgatory:
