#Retirees & #Disableds? @SpeakerPelosi wants to #BLEEDyouDRY #MinimumWageHike | @Lawrence

Folks on THE LAST WORD are all about how 'a higher minimum-wage would be "the right thing,"' but no one is saying WHERE THE MONEY WOULD COME FROM!

I explain where it will probably come-from in a forum linked through 'the phrase it makes me think of' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that phrase better. And I find that you understand phrases better when you look at the other words at their bases ...

The phrase “There's No Way to Get Blood from a Turnipmight be built on ancient words that recall how Cain's Sacrifice (a bushel of his Crops) did not fulfill the Blood-Requirement that his brother Abel met with Livestock. 
Other sources make it Honey- or Money from a Stone or -a Wall or -Marble from various ancient Literature & Folklore about people who do not Have (or will not Give) what is being Sought.

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