#VitaminC ... What Good is it? Where Can I Find More of it? What Does it have to do with the #LetterC? | @BingRewards @Bing @Best4Health4U @BLoggersNeed

(1) Egyptian 'throwing stick'-hieroglyph (2) very early Semitic writing (3) linear-form from Byblos and other Phoenician and Canaanite centers (4) later Semitic gimel or gaml, meaning “throwing stick” (5) Greek gamma ... or something like that ...
This morning, Bing Rewards felt it was important to remind its members to get their Vitamin C, because ... I'm not sure ...

I'll find that out soon; but What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that letter" (below hyperlinked to Microsoft Bing's search for information on foods rich in Vitamin C) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The letter “C” is built on ancient signs that mean |Throwing-|Stick (like a |Boomerang), or maybe |Camel? (Semitic gimel), used to indicate Speech's Voiced |Velar-|Stop (although "G" took that place, leaving the Unvoiced Velar-Stop for 'C') or Unvoiced |Sibilant.

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Bing's info (collected from 'all over the world') tells us these foods are good sources of Vitamin C:
those're Oranges, Red Peppers, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Strawberries, Grapefruit, Guava, Kiwi, Green Peppers

But what is Vitamin C good-for? Wikipedia reports that it's an antioxidant that helps Repair body-Tissue and -helps produce certain Neurotransmitters and -helps the Immune-System function (reducing the duration of the Common Cold) and -helps prevent Scurvy ... It might not prevent Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease or Dementia, but it probably doesn't bring them on either.

Dr. Moazam Rathor (on the page linked through the picture) tells us it's good for:
  • healthy glowing skin and collagen formation
  • mineral absorption
  • fighting free radical damage
  • immunity (fighting colds and flu)
  • health of gums and teeth
  • circulation and heart health
But--WiseGeekHealth tells us--too much Vitamin C may bring on Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting, Excessive Urination, a Flushed Face and a Headache (but you'll be okay, as 'all that' is a confirmation that your body doesn't store excess Vitamin C long enough to cause any other bad effects).
