Be the Right Kind of #Salty (#BibleStudy #ChapterByChapter #VerseByVerse #WordByWord) @RobertJeffress @PrayerDotOrg @Discovery_Bible @Wikipedia @Britannica @ThoughtCoDOTCOM @reddit @TVNvintage
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to the video where Dr. Robert Jeffress brings up Lord Jesus Christ's use of salt) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Salty ('like #Salt,' obviously)” is built on Bedrock beneath ancient words that mean "|Halo-, |Halogen, Salad, Salami, Salary, |Saline, |Salsa, |Sauce, Sausage, |Souse" (|Experienced |Sailor (made 'salty' by the |Salinity of the |Sea) ... from its use in preserving food (back before we could use refrigeration), people inferred that salt could |Repel Spiritual/Magical Evil) #Salted #Salts
"Salt" is one translation of ἅλας (which HELPS Ministries says is used in reference to 'Salt, figuratively |Preserving & |Seasoning a believer as they grow') & -one translation of ἁλισθήσεται (which Strong's Concordance says is used to mean 'to |Sprinkle with salt, thus to make Fresh and keep Sound').
Curious ... how Dr. Jeffress explains that we are to be salt (preserving the nation by penetrating
it and thus postponing its inevitable decay through our pious discipline) but does not explain 'what we're supposed to do to avoid being "tossed out & trampled underfoot"' ... Or does he?

the point of the above-hyperlinked sermon was not so much 'improving ourselves' as it was 'applying ourselves to improve our Nation(s ... in case anyone outside America wants to take his America-centric wisdom & apply it to their own section-of-the-world).'
Looking-up that word on BibleHub, I also found 'Jesus asking how salt can be made salty after it has lost its saltiness ... just after He says we'll all be Salted with Fire!' ... reminds me of how Jesus says His brethren will be baptized by fire---transformed- & not consumed-by it.
Makes me want to review The Salting Process. Looking for more information on it, I first find out it's also the name of a labor-union strategy.
Looking more-carefully, I find out that salt does most of its preservation by eliminating the water that bacteria use to fuel their destruction of the food.
It seems that 'the saltiness' Jesus was talking-about might be described (by scientists) as its "more-acidic pH balance" ... while the salt is still highly-acidic, it kills more germs & bacteria (and that's when it's 'tasting salty').
As to 'how salt becomes salty after it's lost its saltiness,' ... I'm not sure. REDDIT says (among other things) that 'salt can't NOT BE salt; if salt loses its saltiness, it wasn't actually salt in the first place' (reminding me of things people say about 'being a saved Christian' & 'being addicted (even after you've stayed away from the addiction for years)').
I'm also reminded how it's said that Roman soldiers' salaries were paid in salt (origin of the phrase "worth his salt").
Any new conclusions on it? Let's discuss (in the comments)
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