Watching #BackToTheFuture on @NETFLIX, Seeing New "Conspiracy" after More 'Experience' (i.e. #GettingTooOld): It's a #Capsule, Not a "Vehicle" @BacktotheFuture #BTTF #Capsular #Capsules #TimeCapsuled #TimeCapsule #Capsulize #Encapsulate #Capsulized #Encapsulated #Capsulizing #Encapsulating

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I've been enjoying how the Internet is full of people 'ruining' things we used to know (revealing that History is different from 'what we learned in public-school, correcting the old inaccuracies we pick up from Bible-tradition, nitpicking the logical failures of cinematic realities).

And actually, BACK TO THE FUTURE is probably one of THE FIRST movies to get 'nitpicked'! (BTTF II & -III too, but this 'nitpick' is ... well, they almost fixed it in -II; but ...)

See, many think that 'there's only one time-line, and time-travelers are jumping back-&-forth along that one timeline.' That's an easier theory to tie together with the story, so I guess it works; but the theory that 'messes it up' (and/or makes it way too complex) is that there are SEVERAL timelines, multiplied by the number of times 'a quantum decision' is made, and time-travelers are pretty-much 'rolling the dice' and transferring to a random reality in the time-matrix.

This 'new conspiracy' came to mind as I watched Doc Brown send Einstein (the dog) one minute into the future ... I don't know; my mind went to some things I heard about Albert Einstein's theories about how 'time passes more-slowly for people moving at the speed-of-light.'

And I thought of how The Doctor (DOCTOR WHO) 'popped Gallifrey into a pocket-dimension in order to save it from the Time War' (I would've said SPOILER ALERT, but ... we're still not surely sure we're still in the same timeline as that).

The Doctor popped Gallifrey into 'what The DeLorean became for Einstein for that minute'—a time-capsule, like the ones into which people put then-current items, where those items don't 'age' but the people do, so it's like the items traveled through time "instantly."

'That word' (below-hyperlinked to NETFLIX's offer of their broadcast) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Capsule” is built on ancient words that mean "Box, |Chest" (Case, Shell of a Metallic |Cartridge).

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
