@WIRED & @MichioKaku (mentioning the #EinsteinRosenBridge @MARVEL) remind me of something I thought up because of an episode of #LegendsOfTomorrow @TheCW_Legends @DCLegendsTV

In the episode of DC's LEGENDS OF TOMORROW...

... they discuss 'fixed points' (basically, events that absolutely have to happen)--something that's been touched-on by most time-travel stories, but never solved-for in the same way.

In the episode, the team decides they need to 'make an evil computer think they went back and changed a fixed point.' Since the evil computer thinks it's its job to preserve the timeline, the #FixedPoint-change will lure it into bringing the Timeship to the team---at which point they will steal it and return "home" (or something).

Arriving at the 'fixed point,' they "discover" that there's a whole 'league' of time-travelers who are all attempting to change that 'fixed point'---but--everytime someone attempts to change that 'fixed point'--they fail and are killed by "time."

(We learn that it's not 'time' doing it, but rather--huge spoiler--a former FLASH-villain who is now cursed by The Speed Force, forever condemned to protect 'that particular fixed-point' from all the time-travelers who attempt to change it.)

Leading to my theory:

Every Moment in Past-Time is a Fixed-Point.

I'm reminded of this as I watch Dr. Michio Kaku explain MARVEL's science-accuracy in a video accessed through 'the bold hyperlink(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

An Einstein-Rosen Bridge--having almost-nothing to do with my proposal above or -with most of the physics discussed in the linked video--is a Black-Hole Formation (a Wormhole, similar to MARVEL's Bifrost/Rainbow-Bridge) theorized by Albert #Einstein and his student Nathan #Rosen. 
The surname “Einstein (& #Ainstein)” is built on ancient words that mean "Stone One" (a Habitational name for a family that lives Enclosed in- or Surrounded with-Stone). 
The surname “Rosen” is built on ancient words that mean Roses.


'Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem' doesn't exactly refer to 'Fixed Points in Time' ... or does it?

That then leads me to theorize that The Time Force has 'an enforcer' assigned to EVERY moment in the continuum---oh, most of the moments aren't 'crucial to history' (they are crucial, but not so noticeable that anyone goes back to change them); so the doomed guardian is just there to make sure that "nothing" continues to happen.

But then, isn't all future- & present-time just 'the past-time of the future'? Maybe; which is where we get into parallel universes---a new universe 'created' (and/or already-existing-in-the-future) everytime someone CHOOSES it (even 'taking a different route to the same place' might create a very-similar-but-still-parallel universe!)
