#Alcoholmanac @OKgazette #Alcohol #Almanac #Alcoholic #Alcoholism #AlcoholOfWine

The word |Alcoholmanac| is Oklahoma Gazette's title for a special advertising/editorial issue of their weekly report—a title built from their portmanteau of the words “Alcohol & Almanac.”
The word |Alcohol| (the common slang for "|Liquor"–short for "alcohol of Wine"–as 'alcohol' is "the Intoxicating |Element in Fermented Liquors") is built on words that mean "|Kohl, Powdered Ore of |Antimony (|Sublimated Substance used to |Paint/|Stain the eyelids, Pure Spirit of anything)."

The word |Almanac| is built on words that mean "Calendar (feat. Permanent |Tables of |Astronomical/|Astrological Data)."
"astrological and weather predictions appear in 16-17th c.; the 'useful statistics' are a modern feature" [OED].
