a fellow @Quora-spondent brings up #CognitiveDissonance

|That phrase| (and |the words in it|) seem important; so, I found out a little more about |those words| (below-linked to the thing that brought |them| to my attention) and share my findings with you below---I'll link them to the discussion that brought them up, and we can continue the dialogue there).
The phrase |Cognitive Dissonance| ("psychological distress caused by holding contradictory beliefs or values") was coined by U.S. social psychologist Leon Festinger in about 1957. 

I've already 'dug up the foundation of' "Cognitive." 

The word |Dissonance| sits at the peak of the high tower above ancient words that mean "to Sound- or make a Noise-Apart (see Dis-)," which evolved through ancient words that mean "Inconsistency, |Incongruity, Discrepancy, Disagreement, |Inharmonious |Mixture- or |Combination of Sounds."
 #Dissonance, right next to #Dissonant

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

The matter was 'opinions on gun-control.'
