@JoyAnnReid (of @TheReidOut) writes 'Dystopian Fiction' to Deal with her #Envy of Privileged Kids

She claims that she only got into Harvard because of Affirmative Action. Because apparently in some 'little podunk town' that goes by the name of Denver, Colorado, they didn't have the ability to communicate her high grades & -SAT scores to the administrators at Harvard---no; while they were communicating with tin-cans and rubber-bands, Joy-Ann's Blackness launched a giant flare and Harvard's people answered the call!
on the sitcom Big Bang Theory, Leonard stands behind Penny holding up a sign that says "SARCASM" so Sheldon can tell that what she just said is meant to be preposterous, and the subtext caption reads "SARCASM SIGN: Everybody needs one"

The word |Envy| stands on the peak of the tower high above the proto-words *en "In" & *weid- "to See," which evolved through ancient words that mean "to Look At (one's |Rivals with |Malice, as one does when one is Jealous of them)."
on which are also-built #Envies #Envied #Envying #Envious
 #Enviously #Enviousness #Invidious #Invidiously #Invidiousness
 #Enviable #Enviably

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed
