Is 'Our Fearless Leader' @ElonMusk Falling @Behind on his Bill-Payments? That's the word from @DemUnderground!

The word |Behind| comes from ancient words that mean "By (or 'at the Back of, After)" + ancient words that mean #Hind. |Hind| sits in the treetops grown from the acorn (not an [giggle-snort] 'eggcorn') proto-word *hind- ... 
if not referring to the word for a female deer (|Hind|, the "native word" for a Doe), from the proto-word *hinthjo, which probably stems from the proto-word *kem- "Hornless."
on which are also-built #BehindTheirBack #BehindTheTimes
 #BehindTheScenes #Hindmost #Hindsight

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed
