#Factiness about Tinnitus | #PositiveHints at least 'inspired by' @Cortexiii

That word comes up as I review an advertorial video (introduced to me through a Taboola chumbox shared on my WowApp-homepage) linked |the text| below ...

The word |Factiness| is a portmanteau of the words Fact & Truthiness---because I don't know these ideas (about Tinnitus) as Facts, but rather as 'ideas that Feel like Facts.'

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

I don't know if the advertorial linked above gives 'facts' (I haven't watched it yet), but here's what I think.

I have tinnitus---my ears are ringing right now. You've experienced tinnitus, if you ever heard a loud blast that set your ears ringing. I think it's your brain 'hungering' for more noise than your ears are giving it---when your subconscious mind "knows" it should be hearing more, so--like your stomach growls when it "knows" it should be digesting food it's not getting yet--your brain's chemicals 'signal' that you're hearing something ...

You know better? Enlighten us with a comment!
