#Atlanta looks like it might be the site of the spark of a sort of Civil War (between #CopCity and 'the #OutlawDissenters') | trying to read the opinion @MSNBC without falling into the tabloid-dungeon | @VocabularyCom
Just looking at the headline and the 'teaser' (sub-headline), it looks this way: a group of people in Atlanta, Georgia, (the Atlanta Solidarity Fund) are collecting funds to help post bail for pre-trial prisoners there; but they named their group's site (which is linked through the bold text) "Stop Cop City," starting/piggybacking-on the idea that cops just arrest the suspect and 'throw them in the slammer.'
Rather than 'stating the reasonable reason the police have for their actions,' MSNBC lets us suppose (at first) that the officers just 'SWAT-teamed SCC's administrators to end their rebellion!' but I'll see if MSNBC did some due diligence and heard how the officials decided to do that; but first ...
The city-name “Atlanta” is named after Atlantic Railroad; with the word Atlantic built on Atlantis, built on ancient words that mean "Daughters of #Atlas"; the name "Atlas" (whose name also went to the World-Map) is built on ancient words that mean "The Bearer of All Heavens & Earth."
just like #Atlantean
And so it goes.
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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