Still Trying to Figure-out how 'Drawing Shapes on some Circles' Equates to 'A #Mapping OF the Stars' | @AstroTwins

As I said, The Astro Twins 'clued me in' to the fact that "an astro-chart isn't exactly a map" (oh, professional astrologers can use it to find 'directions' to Constellations & Planets & Comets (Oh My!); but ... it's sorta the same way you had to know how to use 'the antennae and tin-foil and wire-hangar and duct-tape' just right to get a clear reception on your television).

I mean; I'm getting that 'your present location on Earth' is the center of the chart and I guess I'd use 'the Moon' as my first main "Lodestar" to work out all the other locations on 'the visible quarter of the #map,' but I'm still not getting 'how "the things on the chart" corresponds to "the things in the sky"' (if the moon and another constellation line up on my chart; will they be in one place in the sky? or are the constellations on different points on an axis that doesn't fit into the two dimensional chart?

(I guess it's a reminder that the 'charts' aren't "maps" for star-watching, not so much as they're "maps" for the pros' astrological omen-reading ... sorta the way a brain-scan isn't what you use to find out "what you're thinking" so much as doctors use them to find out "how you're thinking.)

The Astro-Twins' explanation (of astro-chart reading) is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Mapping” is built on ancient words that mean "|Tablecloth, Flag, Banner (|Napkin ... what the Maps are drawn on) + Universe, World (|Mundane). #Map #Maps #Mapped #PutThisTownOnTheMap #MapThingsOut #Bitmap

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The Astro-Twins suggest

looking at "natal-plus-transit" charts ... I imagine that those are 'Synastry' charts between one time/date and another time/date; although maybe Professional Astrologers do it differently ...
