California Bans #Peeps ... Do You Blame @AdamConover (and the #PeepsAndPoops he mentioned on his show)?

USA TODAY reports on California's recent ban on the marshmallow-candy (I think it's because the candy's dye is said to cause cancer ... I'm not sure if they even mention Adam Conover) in an article you can reach through the bold text below.

The Marshmallow Peeps are probably named after "the Short |Chirp" made by the Baby Bird they shape the Candy to resemble. 
The word “Peeps” (for 'the |Quick |Glance caught from a state of Concealment') is built on ancient words that mean "to |Peek."
#Peep #Peeped #Peeping #PeepingTom #Peeper #Peepers #BoPeep (earlier name of the game of #PeekABoo; the nursery-rhyme came #LittleBoPeep a few hundred years later, it seems) #PeepHole #PeepShow

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