@5thKindTV uncovers Secrets beneath the #Luster of Water

And--since they did that 'surfing YouTube'-thing (where they refer to "the description below" as if 'Youtube is the ONLY place you can be watching the above video') ...
Follow your curiosity, watch the full documentary including thousands of thought provoking original programs and documentaries here: 👉 https://www.gaia.com/5thkind - This segment has been edited and produced in association with gaia.com and features Additional scenes with Author Paul Wallis. Episode Description: Water – a living substance, the most common and least understood. It defies the basic laws of physics, yet holds the keys to life. Known to ancients as a transmitter to and from the higher realms, water retains memory and conveys information to DNA. (Our portal on Gaia- https://www.gaia.com/5thkind ) However, water can die if treated poorly. Our use and misuse of this precious resource has altered the vital information it carries in unexpected ways. Influences such as sound, thoughts, intention and prayer, as well as toxins such as chlorine, structure water’s molecular arrangement – affecting all it comes in contact with. Prominent scientists help reveal the secret of water, allowing us to use this amazing element to heal ourselves and our planet. Featuring Paul Wallis, Rustum Roy, Mark Weislogel, Allois Gruber, Leonid Izvekov and Konstantin Korotkov. Produced By Gaia TV. Narration Music by https://www.trax4pro.com/
That 'deep dive' on Water inspires me to dig further on ...
The word “Water”—supported by many words, including Luster, which (if not referring to "one who Lusts"😏) is built on ancient words that mean "Spread Light over, Brighten, Illumine (Purify)."
 #Lusterware #Lusters #Lackluster #Lusterless #Lustre #Lustrous

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

And so it goes.
My New Mantra (one of several)

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