@Twitter is testing #LongFormNotes (Morphing from a #Micro- to a #Macro-Blog? maybe just 'ADDING' a #Macro option; you can keep your posts #Micro if you want)
I discuss the new feature in a paying discussion you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; the forum might pay you if you join in and add your comments there, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The prefix “Micro-” is built on ancient words that mean "Small, Little, |Petty, Trivial, |Slight."
The prefix “Macro-” is built on ancient words that mean "Long, |Thin" (the 'word' "Macro" is a computing-term, short for "Macroinstruction" (a group of instructions compressed into a simple form & appearing as a single instruction)).
Twitter's Moving Up in the Blog-archy, with ''Notes''
Twitter was always "a microblog" before (140- and then 280-character posting-limit, with no editing a post after you post it), but they're testing "Notes"---a function that'll let users send 2,500 words (with a 100-character title), and edit their Notes after posting (granted, you DO have to 'notate' ('note'-ate) all the edits you've made) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/twitter-is-testing-notes-a-new-longform-format/ar-AAYLLYj?ocid=BingHomepageQuiz I've always thought of Twitter as 'the card-catalog on the Internet's library' (or probably more like 'the TV GUIDE channel on the Internet's cable-TV'), where--aside from the 'passionate comments' (which now make up the super-majority of the tweets)--I would post 'a title (& maybe a little description) and a link' to my latest discussion or blog-post. The limited character-limit is the main reason I do most of my writing on myLot or Blogger, but now the only reason I'll come back to myLot is ... YOU (and of course the money you help me get
). You can follow me on Twitter @mythmanjay to see what happens there. Will YOU shift more of your writing/reading time to Twitter if they give EVERYONE access to Notes? (or maybe they should limit the Notes-function to 'those of us with at-least "a certain number" of Followers,' huh?)
You can respond in a comment below, but I can't pay you for those (and it's not "me" paying anyone at the link above either ... I can't say for sure 'how the money works there')
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I appreciate your comment, and I'll probably approve it & publish it soon (give me about a week before you try to post it again when it doesn't publish immediately ... thanks)