#ThisIsNotLegalCounsel, but it seems there's a Possible #Loophole for #TerminatingPregnancies (especially the ones @POTUS complained about) | @FindLawConsumer

I discuss the possible loophole in a paying forum you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; you can earn by joining-in, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Loophole” is built on the word #Hole + ancient words that mean "to Watch, Peer" (the whole word has had a figurative sense of "Outlet, Means of Escape" since the 1660s). 
The word "Hole" s built on ancient words that mean "to Cover, Conceal, Save."
#Holed #Holing #AirHole #BlowHole #BulletHole #ButtonHole #Eyehole #FoxHole #HellHole #HidyHole #Holey #Keyhole #Knothole #HoleInOne #JustLikeIneedAholeInTheHead #HoleUp


As that discussion might be a bit 'too hot for work' (I forget if THFW is the initialism), here's my discussion-opener:

A Legal-Loophole some ladies may need to use to End Their Pregnancies

I'm sure you've heard the news; The U.S. Supreme Court overturned its "Roe V Wade"-decision, setting off many "trigger-bans" that made abortion illegal in the States that have the bans. One of the arguments that Pro-Lifers have been moaning has been that "aborting the fetus is murder (and their scientists have found out that the fetus has DNA different-enough from the mother to be a 'separate person' and not 'a part of her body')."

I don't agree, but going with that 'separate person'-story for the moment; if she doesn't want the baby, isn't it a trespasser? And don't many States give citizens the right to 'eliminate trespassers' in any way necessary?---those "Stand Your Ground"-laws?
