Did You Know a #HappyBirthday is shared by @GeraldoRivera & #MikeSorrentino @itsTheSituation & the WHOLE #July4 #BirthdayCohort @Bing lists today on #SidewalkEggFryingDay | @HolidaysCalendr @BirthdayMates @YourTango @MySundayMass

... or -on 'whichever of these holidays, awareness-dates &/or event-anniversaries you celebrate!'

Holidays Calendar explains the celebrated Egg-Frying on the #Sidewalk 😲 in a report you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Sidewalk” (mostly-American word for the mostly-British #Pavement) is built of Side + Walk
The word “Pavement” (originally "a #Paved Roadway," shifting to the sense of "Paved Footway on either Side of the Road") is built on ancient words that mean "to Cut, Strike, Stamp."
#WhereTheSidewalkEnds #Sidewalks


It 'thrills me' a little that I have the same birthday as several famous people, and enough other people get that thrill from seeing their birthday-cohort (both the currently-famous & the probably-not-yet famous) that I figure it's worth doing 'one of these entries for every birthday' ...

This Day's Birthday-Cohort

Astrologically, their sign is Cancer ... no matter WHICH stars they were born under: Geraldo Rivera, President Calvin Coolidge, Bill Withers (who sang "Ain't No Sunshine," "Lean On Me,"), Leona Helmsley, classic author Nathaniel Hawthorne, 'sign language'-speaking artist & primate Koko, Italy's co-founder Giuseppe Garibaldi, writer Neil Simon, Rube Goldberg (who drew complex machines doing simple tasks), New York Yankees' former owner George Steinbrenner, Jersey Shore's Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Morganna the Wild One (who looks a lot like Kate McGrath (looking at Bing's picture of her), who portrayed Morgana (1 N) on BBCA's MERLIN)

... and many others (most of whom are at the 'Birthday-Cohort' link)---

you might comment telling why we should recognize a special one I missed ...

Or maybe you'd like a reminder of 'where you've seen one of the ones we DO mention'; Ask in your comment!

My Heart of the Nation calendar tells me we (Catholics) are celebrating, and the clergy are wearing Green Vestments for the season (or White Vestments for some reason ... maybe it's in honor of America's Independence Day?)
