Aaron's "Attract Love Meditation" is in a video you can access through 'the bold link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Pluck (meaning of a word deep in the foundation beneath Attract)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Pull Off, |Cull"---perhaps ultimately from ancient words that mean "Hair (Pulled Out)" (see Pile), but the derivation isn't smoothly connected.
#Plucked #Plucking #PluckUp #Plucky #Pluckily #Pluckiness
The words of the meditation are good, but it might be better to look at the transcript of the video and read the words (aloud, without the time-notes) to yourself while playing some Easy Listening music with Soothing Chords (Aaron's voice is hypnotic---good, but maybe a little
too good (and almost "campy"---'you are getting sleeeeeeepy' (which he
never says))):
this meditation will change your life if you listen to this for the next 30 days you will find more of a reflection of love in your life than ever before it is recommended that you use headphones when listening to this meditation and that you either sit down or lay down on the floor you are about to connect to your make yourself comfortable we are about to go deep into your subconscious mind set the intention that this meditation will help you to feel more and love in your heart that ever before that as you feel more love in your heart that energy trickles out and allows you to perceive more love start off by paying attention to the energy in your
you can put your hands over your heart and just put the awareness in the center of your chest as you do so breathe deeply and know with every breath you take you will feel more and more connected to your heart more and more connected to who you really are take a deep breath in and as you breathe it in breathe [out] and feel the energy and your heart center getting warmer and warmer this energy in your heart is what is going to manifest the perfect partner now understand that you are already whole and complete

that you have value simply by being you understand and everything in your life is a reflection of what you feel and the more you tap in to the feeling in your heart the more you are tapping into the love that you naturally are you are now imagine that there is a seed inside of your hands right now it is a seed of love and this seed is going to bring to you more love in your life than ever before now put the intention that this seed is going to bring love into your life and look at this seed in your hands and now put it into your heart center and as you put the awareness on this seed in your heart center and as you imagine it going
into your heart you can feel warmth in your heart begin to grow you can feel that this energy is starting to grow and expand throughout your heart now understand that this love that this feeling has always been within you it is always here for you to tap into whenever you want all you have to do is remember this feeling inside of your heart because this feeling is who you now imagine that that seed that you plant it in your heart that out of that seed is starting to grow and you can see some green poking out of the leaf you can see some life grow out of it and as it grows you can feel the energy in your heart expanding more and more and feel into now as this seed grows more and more I want you to imagine some memory of your past of you feeling connected to this love remember a time when you felt maybe it's a memory of you being with someone else on the beach maybe it's a memory of you just feeling connected to your friends whatever this situation is imagine it in detail imagine it as if you are looking through what colors do you see in this memory imagine those colors becoming brighter and brighter imagine those sounds becoming louder and louder what else do you notice about your environment what temperature is around you as you pay attention to all of this now bring the awareness into your heart center of what you felt and what you are feeling now your heart has more intelligence than your brain there are neurons in your heart and your heart is constantly intending to communicate with you open yourself up to any message that your heart has for you ask yourself what message does my heart have for me right now is there any message my heart has for me right now in this moment about now whatever feeling is in your heart right now put your awareness on that feeling becoming magnified times 10 that feeling further beyond your body this energy will bring you the relationship you more love to you than you have ever felt in your life before repeat these affirmations and know that these are true for you I am whole and complete the love I want to manifest also wants to manifest me there is someone out there who wants to attract me into their life I am grateful for the love already in my life people in my life recognized the love me I know that the more I focus on this feeling inside my heart the more I will manifest amazing synchronicities in my life I am always in the right place at the right time I trust the universe to bring this love this person into my life at the perfect moment I know it is just my job to feel this love and emotion and the more that I feel in my heart center the more I will perceive of this love as I go throughout my day today I will experience more love than I ever had before I will see how people respond in a new way to me because I have changed my energy field I am now embodied the true love that pay attention to the things that happen in your life the relationship you desire is coming to you now and you will see a reflection of it is highly recommended that you listen to this for at least 30 days to really manifest the real to really manifest the relationship know this and the relationship will be in your life before you know it sit in
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