Do You Think You're Not a #Coward if you say something like #iAmDoneWithYou before You Run Away? you #Cowardly #Cowards, full of #Cowardice (just like me sometimes)

I explain 'how people run away from me (online ... probably the same way I've run away from others too)' on a paying forum that you can access through 'the bold word(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Coward” (if not the surname from the word for the "|Cow-Herd") is built on ancient words that mean Tail (|Coda), with the agent noun suffix #ard denoting one who Carries-on with some Action or -who |Possesses some Quality (often with a |Derogatory |Connotation ... a Coward being one who frequently #TurnsTail & Runs Away with their #TailBetweenTheirLegs). 
The suffix "-ard (seen in Bastard, Buzzard, Drunkard, Blinkard, Bollard, Braggart, Dastard, Dotard, Dullard, Gizzard, Laggard, Lizard, Niggard (stingy miser), Palliard, Pollard, and my surname Hubbard)" is based on ancient words that mean Hard (-|hardy).


The post I made (quoted here because I suspect it'll get taken down from the linked forum) says,
I say things with which others disagree---perhaps they're right; and I WANT to seem open-minded, but they won't hear 'why I think I'm right,' and/or can't tell me why my reasoning's wrong (at least not without sliding into a puddle of name-calling). The 'tactic' I'm talking-about is sort of a 'cheater's strategy for having the last word'---they ignore whatever I've just said (in a thread of messages,' make one last lying-, name calling-statement, and then BLOCK me making any statements in reply! I mean, I get it if they're ashamed of how stubborn they are (or maybe they actually think it's 'they're annoyed at how stubborn I am); but ... it's just rude I think it's better--if you want to block someone--to just block them (without saying anything about it). Sure, maybe it's just as "cowardly"; but I think it's more mature.
