Join @DavidHogg111 in @AMarch4OurLives against #Lobbyists of the NRA! (are there any #MFOL-Lobbyists?) | #Lobby #Lobbied #Lobbying #Lobbies #Lobbyist

I doubt it; because Lobbying takes money (taking legislators out for lunch, dinner or coffee, giving them little gifts), and I don't think membership in the MFOL costs anything!

I 'joined MFOL FOR FREE' (or I 'texted to get my number on their list') when I saw David Hogg on ... was it THE LAST WORD with LAWRENCE O'DONNELL?

Anyway; after-I texted "JOIN" to 954954 (though I almost mis-heard David's "to" as '2,' when I would've texted "JOIN 2954954" or some imaginary anarchy-code šŸ˜‹) and -they 'welcomed me to MFOL' and -I gave them my ZIP Code & birthday, they told me,
You rock! Thanks for joining the movement & helping us make sure our leaders listen to us - not the NRA. If you want to learn more, sign up for updates from your local chapter (and a link I'll share below)
How does the NRA get 'their voice' heard by our leaders? I don't 'know for sure' (never witnessed it); but I suspect it's 'by lobbyists' (is that #Lobbyism?)

I'm thinking MFOL needs Lobbyists-against-Firearms! Linked through 'that word' below, you might find a way to start Lobbying for MFOL; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word ā€œLobbyingā€ is from the word for the Large Entrance-|Hall (where Business- or 'Special Interest'-Reps would |Solicit Legislators, Seeking to Influence Government). 
The word Lobby is built on ancient words that mean "|Covered Walk in a Monastery" (Hall, Roof, Lodge).


I entered my ZIP Code there, selected 'my city' (it's the city I'm actually in, but of-course you might have to settle for 'your nearest city'), entered my location-info, and they told me,

You are a now a key member in the fight to save lives.

Our local chapters are on the frontlines of grassroots organizing for gun violence prevention and we canā€™t wait to see everything we accomplish this year and beyond. Your chapter organizers will be reaching out about more ways to get involved.

In the meantime, here are some things you can do right now to make a difference and take a stand against the NRA:

  1. Read the Peace Plan for a Safer America, our comprehensive plan to end all types of gun violence, and sign your support!
  2. Come to one of our upcoming events.
  3. Make sure you follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Letā€™s make history together. Young people will change this country for the better.
