@MoveOn needs us to encourage Our Leaders @CongressUpdate to Support Afghan #Withdrawal, so @POTUS isn't Distracted from his work Helping us #BuildBackBetter | #Withdraw #Withdrawn

MoveOn.org explains why they need you to contact your elected officials (and gives you a way to get your message to them all) on the page linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Withdrawal” (the act of Taking Back; |Retraction of a |Statement) is built on ancient words that mean "to Draw Away." #Withdrawing #Withdrew #WithdrawalSymptom (|Sign of a Physical Reaction to the |Cessation of the use of an Addictive Substance) earlier #Withdrawment #Withdraught


The link MoveOn gave me (which I use in a hyperlink above) was kinda wonky--it looked like it wasn't connecting, then it redirected after a refresh (and I could use the redirected address (https://act.moveon.org/letter/afghanistan-letters?source=sms) instead ... but I'm not gonna!)--so I'll quote the page here:

Tell your Senators: Support Afghans during the U.S. Withdrawal

The United States must protect Afghans during this humanitarian crisis.

Finally, after decades of organizing, the U.S. war in Afghanistan is coming to a close. But our work is not over. As President Biden finally ends the military occupation, we must protect vulnerable Afghans and welcome them to our country. 

Will you send the letter to your Senators below asking them to urgently work with the Biden administration to open our doors to Afghans during this humanitarian crisis?

and the letter they ask you to send: 

Dear Senator,

I am reaching out today about the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. It is correct for the United States to withdraw troops and end the decades-long violence we have waged. However, since we helped create this crisis, we must do all we can to ensure the safety of Afghans and everyone persecuted by the Taliban.

I urge Congress to work with President Biden to:

1. Keep the airport in Kabul open. Air travel is the only way out of the country, so the airport is an essential lifeline. The U.S. must continue to secure both military and commercial flights and ensure civilians are able to enter the airport to get safe passage. 

