I'm Just an Old #Curmudgeon when it comes to Money Matters | @FoundersBrewing

an old ale brewed with molasses and an insane focus
 on the malt bill, then oak-aged
 ... good spirits the way they
used to be ... (but having very little to do with the etymology)
That's something I'm noticing when I compare 'what I believe/know' with 'what people hope/wish-for' (regarding "getting paid" via employment or -via online interaction).

I'll discuss it at the forum that is linked through 'the main word' below (and only summarizing it here, because you and I (among others) get paid for discussing it at that forum); but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Curmudgeon” is built on unknown foundations beneath its meaning "|Churlish-, Miserly-, Mean |Fellow"---maybe (but probably not) ancient words that mean Evil Heart, maybe (but probably not) ancient words that mean Corn-Merchant (who |Withholds Food), maybe ancient words that mean Disagreeable Dog-Man, maybe with the "|Ker-" from 'Ker-Plunk' ... #Curmudgeonly

